Superheroes suffer from mental illness too

Has anyone ever made you feel weak because of your depression or mental illness? Has your depression ever made you second guess your o...

How to be there for someone who is grieving

I have a friend who asked me to write about how to react (and how not to react) when someone is grieving. This friend wants others to know...

Stop using the word 'crazy' to talk bad about someone

"Why didn't it work out between the two of you?" "Because...she was crazy." I have lost count of the times I h...

What is a self-esteem attack?

Those who suffer from anxiety attacks show different symptoms. Sometimes it's talking fast or stuttering. Sometimes it's not tal...

Lexi Williams: 'I've been begging for help & no one will help me'

"I'm so sorry that no one listened to you. I'm sorry that you had to suffer through that alone. I wish I could've helped,...

If you think you deserve better, then you probably do

For many of us, we have a deep rooted belief that we don't deserve good things. Whether it's a toxic relationship, a dead-end job,...

Trump's presidency: The thing that saddens me the most

I'm not one to use my blog to talk about politics. People get that in enough places. But, after everything that happened last night, t...

How horror films can help people suffering from anxiety

In the last couple months, I've watched the movies "Psycho," "Nightmare on Elm Street," "Scream 1," and ...

'Swiss Army Man' teaches that human connection can save your life

The movie "Swiss Army Man ," which was released on DVD earlier this month, opens with Hank (Paul Dano) alone on an island, stand...

October 6 is National Depression Screening Day

About two-thirds of people with major depression never seek treatment, WebMD reports . It often times goes undiganosed or untreated becaus...

Finally, proof that birth control is linked to depression

Two years ago, I started taking birth control for the first time. And I didn't understand why, all of the sudden, I felt like I was go...

How feminism benefits not only women, but also men

I recently had a guy friend tell me, "Life would be easier if I was a woman." Wow. Let's all take a moment and reread tha...

Stephen King: 'Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us.'

Anyone who has ever suffered from a mental illness can especially relate to what author Stephen King says — "Monsters are real, and g...

5 Reasons You Need to Prevent Work Depression (and How to Do it)

By Emily Johnson Meant to Live Guest Writer A work environment is a place where failures often happen. Developing communication with the ...

Winona Ryder: Being sensitive isn't a bad thing

I started watching Netflix’s “Stranger Things” this week. (I know, I know, most of you probably finished the whole season a month a...

How 'The Wizard of Oz' symbolizes overcoming insecurities and mental illness

When I was a kid, I would watch and re-watch the movie "The Wizard of Oz" over and over again. And, every time, at the end, I wou...

Nature walks can help reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression

 Those suffering from a mental illness shouldn’t have to just grin and bear it. There are many different options for treatment. Prescrip...

Tattoos symbolizing mental health awareness

Last year, I got a semicolon tattooed on my inner ankle. A semicolon symbolizes a sentence you could have ended but choose not to. The r...

Man charged with murder for driving girlfriend to suicide

Do you think, if someone causes someone else's suicide, he or she should be charged with murder? This is what is happening in Minnes...

How technology is both a blessing and a curse for those with mental illness

Millennials grew up in a world where every person they know is at their fingertips. We carry our whole universe in our back pocket or in o...

SPOILERS: Why 'Me Before You' doesn't have a hidden agenda

WARNING: IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW 'ME BEFORE YOU' ENDS, STOP READING NOW. The movie "Me Before You," based on the nov...

Why I decided to share my anxiety disorder

Anyone who knows me knows that, when it comes to my panic and anxiety disorder, I'm not shy about talking about it. But it hasn'...

Actor Robert Downey Jr. teaches that it's never too late to change your life

"Remember that just because you hit rock bottom doesn't mean you have to stay there," actor Robert Downey Jr. says. Before...

Stop chasing after people who don't care about you

There's a concept throughout my (almost) 28 years of life that's been one of the hardest for me to grasp — that, even if I don...